Recap on Renegade

I took yesterday off as I'm still catching up from this past weekend at my first craft show down at the Renegade pop-up in Chicago. It was two days of meeting new people, anxiously waiting for people to thumb through my work, and being so excited with each sale. It's was amazing to have the opportunity to show my work and reach new audience. I loved having conversations with fellow makers and dipping my toes into the wide world of hand-made art shows. 

The booth set-up went smoothly and I have to thank both my dad for building shelves with me and my husband for being my second pair of hands and hanging out both days. The weekend was full of trial and error, which was to be expected, and I made a bunch of notes of what to add to the shop and for the next time around. People were kind with compliments and feedback, and it was great to meet so many new people.

Shout out to Justice of the Pies and Puffs of Doom for killer food supply, and to Jackie from Toast Ceramics for being a great neighbor - we may have snagged a few cups from her, they were too good to pass up! Hope to see you in September Chicago!