Tyndale House Publisher, Design Department | Carol Stream, Il
*Note: Above is a piece of artwork that was created by having each design team member contribute to the process - a beautiful picture of collaboration and and what can be made together when a team is in sync. Hung in the main entrance to the design department, I always had a wonderful admiration for the artwork and the beauty it expressed both physically and metaphorically.
I have found in my last few "endings" that the transition between where the end truly leaves off and the beginning starts is often rushed, blurred together, or left to reminisce on in later days or years to come. How do you neatly packaged an ending that is both sad and exhilarating? How do you find the words to say that hold meaning and not just space?
It has been a month since left my first job and work "home" and as I step into the next chapter, a sweet beginning, this time I have space to reflect on both the last chapter and the days to come. The Lord has done so many things in my life, and in the last 4 years specifically I have seen His affirmation and confirmation of me pursuing a life in design and the arts.
Now a little over three years later, as I quietly stepped out of the doors one last time as a co-worker and commercial designer for such a sweet company I was filled with peace and a whole lot of insight and knowledge on design and what a contributing team member looks like. There are so many words I could describe my teammates with - so much patience, creativity, consideration, willingness, and excellence. I will always be grateful for them, and for a company that put Christ at its core to create not only excellent products, but produce excellent teammates and friends.
Thank you.