Giveaway Time!


It feels like I have piles of work to share you all! With the rush of the holiday season, it seems this little space has been put on the back burner. With 2015 coming swiftly, I know one of my resolutions will be to put more time into updating my work.

On that same note, my dear friend from high school, Meredith Bazzoli, has written up a lovely piece on the coming of the new year and resolutions for 2015 over on her blog , Very Revealing. To accompany her fantastic post, I have worked with her on the print you see above as a fun giveaway to spark you on the road to keeping your resolutions for the new year!

Meredith writes in a matter of fact, down to earth style infused with humor that will make you feel like you have been friends for years. To enter the giveaway, jump over to Very Revealing and subscribe to her new series, Revealing Resolutions.

The new year is already being to look up!